Monday, March 17, 2008

Thing #28: Getting Things Done

I think I've seen David Allen on Oprah, I can't really remember but I do remember this guy that helped people get rid of their junk by getting organized!

I already do some of the things suggested, I keep an Online Calendar through my Yahoo! mail account.
I'm also an avid list maker. When I'm in class, I can't focus on the lesson becuase the different tasks I have to write are running through my mind. So I write them down, to A: remember them and B: to get them out of my head and make room for my classroom knowledge.

I tried out the ta-da list website, but I honestly think that pen and paper work best for me, it's portable.

My Yahoo! account is my interenet organizer. I check my email often so if I need to be reminded of an event I put it in my calend and I recieve an event reminder email. If I need to remember something, i email myself to remember.

I love to be organized because with out it I'd be a complete mess!
